January Stats

Finally gave in and set up a home office, and the cats wasted no time in taking it over.

Finally gave in and set up a home office, and the cats wasted no time in taking it over.

Read: 18 books (11 audiobooks, 7 print)


Reading Asia: 1 Book

Reading Europe: 1 book

Food and Lit: January was Brazil. I bailed on the one book I tried, ate Brazi bites, and listened to some Brazilian music which I enjoyed.

Bookspin BINGO: 15 read, 2 bails, 2 BINGOs

Chunkster Challenge 2021: 30% through Les Miserables (Really love this book)

Beginning TBR: 843

Ending TBR: 839

Overall a prolific month, but I still feel distracted. I was hoping to leave that in 2020, but the year is young.

Show Us Your Books is next Tuesday, so I’ll share favorites then!