On My Nighstand December 18, 2022

Christmas decorations on a sunny day. Angels and a model house covered in snow on a window sill. It was a rare sunny day.

Friday was my annual work holiday party (out at a restaurant!) That traditionally means the end of my busy season. I’m still working for the rest of the year, but pretty much everyone gives up on deadlines, and things are much slower. I thought I would have a relaxing weekend, but yesterday the long ago paid guys showed up to replace our roof at 8 am. Grateful to have a paid for new roof that is actually getting installed, not so grateful to have to get dressed at 8 am on a Saturday on my first non-work day off since August. My son had a job about 45 minutes away that he needed a ride to so my daughter and I decided to pivot and spend the day at the very fancy Target near there.Target is fun when you don’t really need anything. We also tried a new to us dumpling place for lunch, toured an outdoor Christmas market, and watched a bit of the World Cup on the huge outdoor TV. We went in a bookstore and I didn’t buy anything! I am evolving. It was a great day, and we came home to a mostly done roof.

Today I got up with plans to start baking only to find a clogged sink full of dishes. OH WELL. Here I sit with my tea while I wait for the Draino to kick in. Why do I always forget that this is what December is like?

Assuming my roof and plumbing are in order this week, and my kids don’t take any more jobs on (what might as well be) the moon I hope to catch up on my blog reading, and post my reading wrap up for this year as well as my goals for next.

Last week I posted about my best fiction reads from November.

Why did it take me three tries to spell November even with spell check? I need a nap!

Have a great (and restful) week!

This week I’m reading:

Taste by Stanley Tucci - This has been fun to listen to while I run Christmas errands (and sink willing cook.) It’s pretty much a love story to food.

A World of Curiosities by Louise Penny - My favorite series. I’ve been taking my time with this one, but I should finish this week.

Tru & Nelle A Christmas Tale by G. Neri - I have been wanting to read this one forever. Looking forward to it!

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This post is linked to The Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer.