Friday Night Guacamole: The Essential New York Times Cookbook

Guacamole on a chip

I made the Grilled Onion Guacamole way back on May 5th (of course) but am just getting around to talking about it now. It was so good though, don’t wait for a special occasion to make it. I ate it for dinner before I went and picked up my son at the movies and then spent the whole ride home talking about it. It was that good. My son, a teen aged male, went all in for that conversation and finished the guac when he got home.

I wasn’t sure if the grilled onions would be weird, but I liked them quite a bit. This was from a July 4th feature of food your would eat in Texas circa 1993, and based on this I’d really like to see the whole article.

Note: This recipe is part of a long look at Amanda Hesser’s 2010 The Essential New York Times Cookbook. See all posts here. Links to are affiliate links. Thanks for your support!