Show Us Your Books March 2024

I can’t believe it’s March already! (Maybe I say that every month. I don’t know.) Either way I’m grateful that I got in the habit of tracking my books on LibraryThing and Litsy so I can go back and see what I read in these months that seem to move at light speed.

February was a great month. I’m still keeping up with my challenges as you can see here- I’m reading about the environment, reading from the Tournament of Books Long List, and reading from across Oceania. All of this has led me to some great reads I wouldn’t have read otherwise, and to some stinkers which we won’t discuss here.

Five Star Reads

On Fragile Waves by E. Lily Yu - Wow, this book was a punch in the gut. I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about this book about refugees in Australia and Nauru.

Four Stars

The Girl In The Tower by Katherine Arden - I enjoyed this one- it was a lot more action packed than the first in the series. I also liked the changing relationships between the siblings and loved the horse. I’ll read the 3rd but I’m going to wait until November at least because these are definitely cold weather books.

This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger - The first 30 pages of this took me two days to read because it was so slow, and then I finished the last 400 or so in 24 hours. I’m glad I didn’t give up! The story of 4 orphans trying to make their way to St Louis by canoe was a good one.

Koala by Danille Clode - A natural history of the koala. I really enjoyed this. Who knew reading about the different types of eucalyptus trees could be so interesting?

The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols - This book was as depressing as it was interesting. Notably it was written before the pandemic so today’s reader is left feeling like there’s a lot missing from the discussion. However the points made still feel spot on as someone who works for a firm where thought leadership used to be a big part of our business.

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