Walking Wednesday August 30, 2023

Another week of walks by the soccer field! I also started going back to the gym some mornings, but there’s nothing worth taking pictures of there.

My listen this week is Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii. It’s a bit out of my comfort zone, but I like that it’s written by six different authors.

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Walking Wednesday August 23, 2023

School is back in session, and a lot of my walks are now taking place during various sports practices. As the kids get older the practices get later, and that works so much better for my schedule. Who are the people available to drive across town to drop their kids at soccer at 4 pm on a random weekday?

I’ve been listening to Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. This book gets a lot of hype, but it’s a little long for my tastes. Grateful that my library had it on audio so I wasn’t tempted to buy it.

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